Sunday, February 3, 2008

Labor Affirmations

In preparation for Bastian's Birth, I had a Blessing Way with a couple of Mama friends. I asked them to share their affirmations, things that had helped them though. Then we copied them all onto post-it notes (many of them multiple times) and I posted them all over my house. You can see a few in the birth video, on the walls, little yellow notes. These were up for several weeks before the birth and I really found it helpful, seeing all of these things every day. It felt like anointing or consecrating a space and I guess it was. Here they are:

I'm going to get HUGE!
You ARE doing it! (Great response to "I can't do this.")
The only way out is through.
Birth isn't about making babies - it's about making mothers.
There is NO FAIL!
Labor Bubble
Feel, Experience, Sense, Smell
I was made for this!
Grunting means your body is working.
Primal Goodness
Pushing feels GOOD!
This is not as much fun as I though it would be:)
Open like a flower.
Direct your world.
Find your labor sound.
What is your intuition? Go with your gut!
Give into the pain. Feel it and let it go!
Remember, at the end, you get the biggest endorphine dump of your LIFE!
Labor is SHORT in the grand scheme of things. Embrace it! You rock!
Trust your Body! Trust your Baby!

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