Sunday, February 3, 2008

LOTS of pictures

EDITED 4/25 to fix links and add more pictures!
Bastian turned 5 months on 5/20/08 and weighs nearly 20 pounds and is 27 inches long! Still quite a big baby:)

Me and Bastian, 39 weeks pregnant


First pictures




Bastian and I, about 1 week old

Watch him grow...













Bastian,Baby Cat,Fluff,Costumes


Baby Cat,Bastian






Baby Cat,Bastian









We're nursing in the ocean!



Bastian's Birth Story

Brian - my husband
Declan – Our 7 year old son
Morgan - a mama friend
Donovan – Morgan's adorable toddler
Rebecca – a mama friend
Clove - a friend
Tunna - a friend, Clove's live-in boyfriend
Erin – a mama friend
Sean – a friend, Erin's husband
Charlee – a friend
Eric – a friend, Charlee's live-in boyfriend, our camera man
Keith - our next door neighbor and long-time friend

It's funny to me that while I journaled obsessively about every potential labor sign, when I finally went into labor, I was completely silent. I was tired of saying, "Maybe?!" out loud and it be nothing. So, on November 19, at about 4:30pm, when I started feeling regular contractions, I thought little of it. I was 1 day past my due date and had no contractions all weekend, but I just thought it was prodromal labor starting up again, convinced I was going to 42 weeks, yet again. I felt very relaxed about it and had a list of projects to keep me busy.

So, I go about my normal day, making dinner and generally doing household stuff. When Brian gets home at about 6pm, I let him know I'm having regular, somewhat painful contractions. I tell him this not because I believe I'm in labor, really, but more that I'm pleased I'm at least having contractions again, at all. He made a bit of a joke, which he didn't intend meanly, but I was feeling hormonal and decided he didn't believe me, so I clammed up. Over the next hour or two, the evening was normal. We ate dinner. I didn't feeling like eating, but made myself. I was a bit excited that I didn't feel like eating, but restrained myself, trying to not get my hopes up. We watched some TV and futzed around on our laptops.

Eventually, I pulled up a site Rebecca gave me and tried to time my contractions, just to see if they were as regular as I believed. I'm hopelessly bad at timing. I start getting nervous about when the beginning of one really is, then don't push the button quickly enough, then forget to push it when it's over, or rather I do and it doesn't work, so I push it again, and then it hears me do it twice and starts another. Fuck! It looks like I'm having them about every 7 minutes, for about 50 seconds. I think. This whole time, I'm chatting with Clove online, because I have to tell someone.

I think it was about 8pm that I went to the bathroom and saw actual bloody show! I've never seen bloody show before I was in heavy labor. I was extremely excited. Still, I reminded myself of the water leak (hindwater, maybe?) that had been nothing, days ago and tried, once again, to not get my hopes up. I figured I should tell Brian, though, so I did, also communicating that his joke hurt my feelings. He apologized and was very understanding. About this time he started timing my contractions. He didn't announce he was doing it and I didn't confirm that I noticed him doing it, mostly because I was trying to not think about timing. I don't even know why either of us bothered, as we weren't going anywhere. It was a way to kill time, plus, we'd invited friends over for the birth, so we were trying to determine when/if to call. I'd already decided to call when I had that first, "Holy crap!" contraction. I remembered Morgan telling me that she'd had early contractions with Donovan and had wondered if it was labor until she had one contraction that knocked her over and she said, "Holy Crap!" Yes, that's the one I was waiting on. I had told Clove and Morgan about the bloody show. So, they were both waiting to hear. I hadn't told anyone else.

We watched Heroes and I got out my supplies to make my labor hoop. I spent most of my early labor making it. I never hooped it, as I was nearing transition when I finished, but it was a great labor project. I stopped occasionally to breathe and make horse lips. It still wasn't that painful yet. I think it was 11:30ish when I finished the hoop. I looked up at Brian and said, "I can haz Morgan now?" (Just like that, in internet lingo – very silly!). I then clarified that I wasn't 100% sure this was it. I still had not experienced a Holy Crap contraction, but I was 100% sure I wanted Morgan. NOW. He laughed and I called her. When I did talk to her, I had to stop to breathe through one, because I couldn't talk through it. I realized they were picking up, after all. One of us called Clove and Tunna. I don't remember who. This is about when the specifics and times start to get blurry, for me.

I said I was hot and Bri wisely opened the sliding glass door and closed the screen, rather than turning on the AC. He said I'd be cold later. I felt nauseated, but I never throw up. I didn't then, either, but started to feel as if I wished I could. I had the thought, "Transition?" but then ruled it out. It didn't hurt enough, yet. I don't know why I still ruled it out, even when it did start hurting, shortly afterwards, but I did. I vocalized once, to Clove, "This can't be transition, already?! I couldn't already be that lucky!" So yeah, I'm guessing transition started around 11:30pm. I was starting to feel frightened during contractions. I'd wished and wished to be in labor and now I found myself wishing, inwardly, not to be, even just a little. I was petrified of crowning and knew that was coming soon, if this was transition. I'd worked so hard to get comfortable with my big baby. I'd told myself if I could birth a 10 pounder on my back with an epidural, I could certainly birth a 12 pounder at home, naturally, in water and unhindered! Still, in the moment, I still had silly thoughts of blowing out my vagina. Yes, I really did.

I also felt like I needed to be up and moving. I began to pace the living room, tidying this and that. We have an ottoman and a footstool for my glider rocker. At one point, I looked at them and moved them to their place, until the TV, where I'd decided they'd be stored to clear floor space for the pool. I looked at the blank living room floor and realized, "Wow, this is it!" I think Brian started calling everyone else about then. I walked around, doing this or that and by now the contractions were getting painful. I was crying out and dropped to my hands when I had one. For some reason, going all the way down, like sitting on the toilet or going to hands and knees hurt lots, but I loved putting my hands on the bathroom counter, or the stairs, or the arm of a chair and rocking my hips, so that's what I did. I remember thinking It's awesome when they stop! after a contraction ended. During this time, I wasn't very aware of Brian. He was moving around the house, organizing stuff and calling everyone on the phone. I anal-retentively had a call list on the dryer, listing everyone's contact info and order to call them in. Yes, I'm that organized. I also had placenta prep instructions on the cabinet.

About this time, I decided I needed a shower. Really, I wanted my birth pool, but wanted to wait for more people, so Bri wouldn't have to leave me and set it up alone. Soon after we got me into the shower and water was heaven! Clove and Tunna showed up. I asked Clove to stay with me so Brian and Tunna could set up the birth pool. She said, "Yeah, I figured, that was the plan." There were so many times when my friends knew what I wanted before I said it. This was so wonderful. I felt so supported, surrounded by people who loved me and got me. There is power in speaking for yourself, but there is an entirely different kind of power in people who've loved you and known you long enough to not need you to. I felt it so much that night. By now, I'd found a labor sound that was working for me. I sang the scales. My sounds changed later, for a while, this was perfect. My birth music played and when a surge hit, I sang the scales.

At some point, I asked for Brian again and he and Clove traded places. I then realized that there was an issue with the birth pool. I could tell they'd been trying to keep me from hearing this. I got a bit panicky. "The birth pool was my whole plan!" I said. Apparently the battery was dead on the pump that was to blow up the pool. They had it plugged in, but it wasn't charged yet! (Funny aside, later Brian remembered we could use it while it was plugged in and charging. He totally forgot in the moment! D'oh!) I came downstairs, in a towel, just as Rebecca came in. She saw that I was panicky and said the exact right thing, "What do you need me to do?" and "I'll fix it!" And thank goodness for Tunna's lungs! He blew up the pool, with some help from Rebecca and Clove on the small hand pump. Soon enough, I was in the pool. They'd filled it with all of our hot water and of course, still needed more, so boiled some. I let go of my worry that this wouldn't happen in time and trusted them to manage it and they did. My friends are AMAZING! I got into the pool with Brian, facing him. We breathed together and I rocked and sang, my birth music filling the room. I began to beg people to sing with me. I feel badly for them, in retrospect, as they didn't know all the songs, of course, but I felt that if the music was louder than the pain, I could manage. I sang as loudly as I could manage, thinking "Mouth Open – Cervix Open" and begged them to sing with me. I finally said, "It doesn't matter if you know the words! Hum! Make noise! I need noise!" and they obliged. I loved the feeling as the surges swelled with the music, carrying me over them. There was a point where I could barely sing or hear the music anymore, but it wasn't yet. Now the music was perfect. I was surrounded by love and music, lifting me.

After that, I've lost recollection of who came and when. I remember being so happy when Morgan finally made it. (She'd had to wait for Jon to get off work.) She had Donovan with her and he did amazingly well! He didn't get worried or panicked until near the end, despite the chaos and screaming I did later. What an awesome kid! I remember Sean and Erin getting there. At that point, I was thrilled that Erin was there.

I had my 3 Mamas, as I was thinking of them, Erin, Morgan and Rebecca. They'd all been where I was and each knew how to support me in different ways. The mostly sat in front of me, holding my hands and letting me lean on them, speaking words of comfort and encouragement, giving me their eyes when I needed to focus.

I remember barely acknowledging Sean or Tunna, at this point, which I felt badly about, on some level, but while they were my friends and welcome, I needed Mamas right now. Brian was behind me. He was pushing his fist into my back and holding me up. Part of me wanted him in front of me, too, but there weren't enough Brians! I wanted him in front of me and behind me. So, I told myself I had to pick and I felt like no one else could hold me up like he was, so I satisfied myself knowing he was there and stealing glances back at his eyes, from time to time. I needed eyes so much! Just looking into their eyes centered me. Charlee and Eric were the last to arrive, I remember that. Earlier on, when the pool was being set up, Bri asked me, "Did you call Charlee and Eric?" I looked at him like he was nuts and said, "No! Do I look like I've been making phone calls?!" or something like that. Then I said something about the list having the correct order. He called them and they made it in plenty of time. Eric got set up with the video camera, which was really ideal. Eric has a way of looking at the world with fascination, which was a great eye for the birth! Mostly he did a great job of capturing everything and staying out of my way, but I do remember once barking at him to keep filming, but for god's sake, get out of my eye line! I needed to not focus on the camera and he quickly complied.

I was told later everyone was there by about 1:30am. I had back labor, again, just like with Declan. I remember thinking, "Why do I always get posterior labors?!" I swear, Bastian felt like he was positioned well before labor. I guess that's how they needed to move. The contractions were the worst in my back. I began to cry out for pressure, more pressure. When my contractions started I'd say, "Back! Back! Back!" I remember Rebecca was doing this for me out of the pool, but then Brian took over inside the pool and later Clove and then I think Erin and even Eric took shifts, as I wore out people's arms over the course of the hours. Clove told me later that my back was actually humping up with each contraction and that hump was moving down as my labor progressed. I'm actually glad I couldn't see this. It might've freaked me out. As the labor progressed, I began to need the pressure all the time, not just during surges. I did sometimes yell for more, but really they did an amazing job!

I also felt like I needed a hard-sided pool. If I had it to do again, I'd spring for one. As it was, I had plenty of people and bodies and hands and they were all amazing! I had at least one person at each limb, letting me bear down against them.

I was on my side. I remember Morgan suggesting this. I think I'd been on hands and knees and my knees were getting sore. I remember looking up at her gratefully, because I'd meant to tell her I wanted her to suggest positions, if I forgot to move, but I'd forgotten to ask her for this. Yet another time someone knew what I needed without me saying so.

I told Morgan later that I wished I'd had more grace. I've read stories of UCers who didn't scream or beg or ask for help. Oh, but I did. I cried and screamed and made so much noise. I thrashed around and whined some. I cried and begged for help from no one in particular, at the same time saying, "I know no one can help me. I just need to yell for it." They all understood. I was so scared and said that, over and over. The power of it all was terrifying. I've never been very quiet – or very internal, so I guess it's appropriate! At some point my noises became more deep and loud. I remember Morgan or Rebecca saying, "Breathe" at one point. I knew they were trying to help, but I simply couldn't manage to do breathing techniques, right then. I remember saying, "Screaming is breathing." And also, "I can't make the noises I'm supposed to make. I can only make the noises I make." At some point I started saying, "I can't do it!" at the beginning of a surge and then by the end I was saying, "I am doing it!" as if I was talking myself down. That felt very powerful. I remember mumbling, "I can't, but I am!" in between. It seemed just miraculous to me. I was completely sure I had nothing else in me, one moment, and then there was so much more.

Despite all of my research beforehand, I became completely body and comfort focused, in the moment. Many times someone would ask if I wanted this or that and I'd say, "I don't know anything!" Morgan summed it up nicely, reassuring me that I didn't have to know. She said, "Your brains not invited to this party." That idea made me feel better. I trusted my body with what it was doing, but I didn't understand it and even trying, well, it threw me off. I tried very hard to just be in the moment and not analyze, which is the opposite of my normal personality and probably exactly what I needed. Strangely enough, when I didn't want to do something, I'd just say, "No." but when I thought I did want to do something, I'd say, "I didn't know." It felt like such a big decision, every little thing! The idea of just trying it out seemed entirely alien. So, I think we all figured out that, "I don't know." meant I thought it might be a good idea. Even once I knew this is what I meant and went with it, simply saying, "Sure!" or "Yes." seemed impossible! Go figure.

The pain was…alot. I'd forgotten how much. Don't get me wrong, I honestly believe that some women experience pain-free or even pleasurable labors. I was completely prepared for that possibility and certainly did some work to open myself for it, but when it hit, that all went out the door. So, I'm truly jealous of the pain-free mamas, but I guess I'm not one of them. I remember looking up at Morgan and saying, tiredly, "Orgasmic birth is bullshit!" She smiled and said that'd been her experience, too. There were times when I felt bowled over and mostly just survived the contractions. I remember saying, out loud, a few times, that all I had to do was get through it. My baby would be born, however I managed that. I could pass out and still have my baby. Not that I planned to, but this was comforting, at points! Then there were other times I'd hear a bit of a song and even manage to sing or manage to breathe in such a way that it lifted me above them. It came and went. There were times when I felt fine and capable and times when I'd cry when I felt one coming, because I couldn't bear another second. I guess it's always like that, isn't it?

I knew I was probably in for one big baby, here. Declan was big, at nearly 10 pounds and I thought Bastian was bigger. I certainly was! I felt very relaxed and capable about this, until transition. Then, I said several times, "I want a 4 pound baby!" I realize now this is just dumb, but I was petrified of crowning with such a large baby, since this was my first time crowning without any drugs at all. Crowning with Declan hurt a lot, but it was a general, non-specific sort of "Ouch!" I knew quite well it'd feel differently this time. Mind you, I never doubted my body's ability to birth this baby, I was just plain petrified of how much it would hurt. Morgan said, "Let's try for a 7 pound baby." And I said, "Yes, 7, that would be alright." As if my negotiations made any difference at this point!

The thing that was the most remarkable, to me, in hindsight, was that I never inwardly gave up. There were times in both of my other births where I gave up and let them do whatever. It never occurred to me that anyone else was getting me through this or that anything was needed to do so. It sucked and I definitely wanted to not be in labor during the height of it, but I certainly didn't want interventions, or medication or transfer. Oh fuck no. I didn't want to leave the pool. Maybe this shouldn't have surprised me, but I honestly did wonder how it would be. It was never an issue. I knew that this was mine to do and I just kept doing it.

I'd asked Morgan to describe Bastian for me as he was crowning. She'd done this for Devin and I really loved it and kept feeling that I'd birth on all fours, so figured I wouldn't really be able to see. I remember, at one point, her saying, "Let me know when you feel like pushing, so I can make sure to move to tell you about the baby." I said, "I think I am?!" This was the first I acknowledged that I was pushing. It's not really that I decided to push, more that I decided to stop trying to not push. At first, I tried to push the way I'd pushed before, bearing all the way down. I noticed that it didn't feel good, after a certain point. This worried me, at first, but then I realized it was my cervix! I'm guessing I started pushing at 7 or 8 cms, not that we checked me, obviously. During Declan's birth the CNM told me I couldn't push at 8cms, even though I was feeling pushy because I'd blow out my cervix. Yes, I know now that's bullshit. At the time, I believed her and I spent much longer than I needed in transition, waiting for it to move on its own. So yes, I'd all about laboring down, but it was so empowering to feel it. I realized there was no way I could hurt myself. My body told me exactly how to push! I was thrilled.

I was on my right side, then later on my left, pushing as much as my body said to. Changing positions was scary! The surges were coming so close together and the idea of being in motion during one, well, that felt awful! My friends all helped me move in between contractions and I was so grateful, because the idea of moving myself! I'm sure I could have, but it was a lovely luxury. I was on all fours some more, but it seemed like it was taking forever!

At one point, Rebecca and Morgan both suggested squatting. I'd previously said I did not want to birth in a squat. I hadn't practiced squatting and didn't want to tear so badly that I needed a transfer. For whatever reason, laboring squatting and moving to birth never occurred to me. Really, the suggestion was a stroke of brilliance. When they suggested it, I said, yes, I know it would move him down faster, but I do not want to tear and I'm pretty sure I would squatting. They reassured me that they could all help me get into a squat and also help me get out of it so I wouldn't birth there. I believe I made them promise that they'd move me, no matter what, even if I couldn't move. They agreed and that was good enough for me. Getting into the squat felt very hard, but being in it was surprisingly easy. Pushing in the squat felt amazing and Wow, he moved down really fast! I remember looking at them and saying, "I think I'm going to tear, but I can't stop pushing!" all this while grunting. Then someone asked me, "Do you want to move?" and I said, "I don't know!" while pushing again. They quickly helped me to move.

I was back on my hands and knees, my arms outside of the pool, leaning on Rebecca and Erin, I think. I pushed the rest of the time, this way. I was aware of Morgan and Brian behind me. Pretty much everyone else was behind me, too, but most of them were back, against the wall, watching quietly.

Declan, my 7 year old, was brought downstairs after I'd been pushing for a bit, really before the squatting, but I don't recall where. I'm pretty sure he was downstairs for about an hour before the birth, I think someone mentioned that. I was nervous, at first, about him being in the room. This surprised me, because I'd wanted him there and we'd spent a lot of time watching birth videos and educating him. He had a totally positive attitude about it. When I first looked up at him, coming in the room, he was grinning! He said, "I didn't think it was going to be tonight!" I worried my screams would scare him, but they didn't. He touched me a few times and said, "You're doing a good job, Mom." He was great. Once, when I said, "I can't do it!" he said, "You have to, Mom!" I said, "Someone please tell him not to say that!" I just couldn't handle anyone telling me I had to do anything. I remember asking Sean to keep him out of my eye line. I believe I managed to tell Declan it wasn't about him, but that Mommy needed to focus and when I heard his voice, it pulled me away a little. So, Sean sat down with him on the couch and I liked knowing he was around and could see everything, but he wasn't distracting my focus. I also liked knowing that Sean had him and could comfort him or answer questions, if needed. That was good.

So, back to pushing. Bastian had moved down so much with the squatting. I could finally feel his head about to crown, before I moved. When I moved, I felt him slip back in and expressed annoyance with that. I remember saying, "Don't put him back in!" I think it was Brian I said that to? Poor Brian! (Still, Clove told me later I was likely right and would've torn badly in a squat. Apparently he was about to shoot out!) I remember Rebecca reminding me that there was a deeper way to push and I knew what she meant, but I hadn't found it yet. I was still yelling. I went from yelling things like, "Come out, baby!" to "Get. The. Fuck. Out." Just like that, with every breath in a deep, growly voice. I screamed so much my voice wasn't fully back for 3 days! Sometimes I'd talk about Bastian or someone would mention him and I'd say, "I love him so much," in a dreamy voice, but mostly, I wasn't thinking about him, by then. I wanted him out, but it was more about making the pain stop. I couldn't see past the pain. He was so low that the pain was no longer gone between surges. I could feel myself spreading and stretching and I was so scared. I've never been the kind of birther that wants to reach down and touch the baby's head or use a mirror. I know that my body is working, but the idea of it scares me so much, in the middle of it, I find it easier to just focus on my head and let my body do its thing. I expressed this to them once, I am the big giant head and I wasn't worrying about the rest of it. It was working, I knew that.

I'd asked Brian to do some perineal massage. I know it gets mixed reviews, but I felt like it helped me a lot with Declan and I wanted it again. Brian had watched the CNM do the massage and caught Declan himself, so he felt more than confident doing these things, as I told him I was likely to birth in a position where I couldn't do it for myself. So, I felt him down there, occasionally wiping or some such, heard he and Morgan talking.

I kept feeling like he might be crowning, but then he'd slide back. I know some of this is normal, but it felt…different. Then it all made sense. Someone said that his water hadn't broken, yet. He was still in the caul! So, what I was feeling was the water bag bulging out and then sliding back in, not his head, yet. No wonder! This seemed to make it much harder. At some point, I found my deep pushing. Just like before, it required quiet of me. The screaming and growling helped, to a point, but to really bear down, I had to go silent and scream down, inside. My eyes bulged so much my contacts got blurry and almost popped out. At one point I remember thinking it was good I had spares.

As I felt him slip back, over and over, I seriously considered asking Morgan or Brian to break my water. I almost wished for it, in my head, but couldn't bring myself to say it, out loud. I remember thinking, "Sarah, you're an idiot. You're going to make this extra hard and tear for crunchy points, really?!" Still, it didn't feel right. My dream for this birth was for it to happen as it was intended to happen. This was Bastian's birth and he was coming out that way and that must mean it was right…right? I remember I told myself I'd just try once more, just for a few more pushes, and if I still couldn't, I'd ask. Then, almost like magic, I pushed and he began to crown. I heard my friends, excited and happy and that gave me strength. I heard Morgan. She said his head wasn't that big at all. I kinda thought she was lying, but chose to believe her! I remember she also said he had a lot of hair, dark hair. Then she said he had the most beautiful lips and I thought about nursing my baby. I wanted to see him so badly and I pushed with that wanting…and his head was out.

And there we were Bastian's head out of me. My husband later said that it almost looked like bit of cauliflower sticking out of my vagina! And Clove said that Bastian looked like a bank robber, the sack was pulled over his face, smushing his tiny features. It was funny, but that was all later. Then, I was kneeling, mostly looking down at the ground. Morgan said, "He's ready whenever you are." in a calmly happy voice. I said, "I'm waiting for the next contraction." And we all waited, almost frozen in time. I think someone later said it was about 2 minutes. I tried to focus and kept repeating to myself, inwardly, The shoulders are never as bad as the head. The shoulders are never as bad as the head. Then, the surge came and I rode it and pushed. I thought, "Bullshit! The shoulders were absolutely as bad as the head!" and then he was born and that divine squirmy feeling inside me as the rest of him slid out. I heard cheers and, "You did it, Mama!"

I thought about turning around to see him. Needed to. Wanted to…but I was weak and couldn't contemplate how to move. Rebecca said, "Turn around and see your baby." with a big smile. I don't remember if I asked for help or just looked at her weakly and she got it, but either way, she helped me turn around. She said later that she thought, "Oh no, placenta!" just a minute too late and worried I'd yank my own cord turning around. I didn't, I moved just right. I'd actually planned how to move, working it over in my head so much that it was second nature. I always knew I'd birth him like that and I was prepared. Oh my, yes, I am a control freak! I'm a big believer in being so prepared that you don't have to think when the time comes. And it came and I felt prepared and boy, I didn't think!

The rest of it was a bit of a blur. I remember my baby, so wet and squirmy and crying and long…goodness was he long! I put him to my breast just about first thing, but he just licked me, then. That was okay. I kissed him and smelled him and I remember feeling almost indulgent. I kissed him as much as I wanted, being almost sloppy on the top of his head, tasting the birth goo both of us, really, on my lips. I hadn't expected it to taste so clean. The top of his head still smells like he tasted that day. I smell it and remember. I looked up at Brian as I held our baby. I looked at everyone, so happy, all of us and said, "I did it! I did it!" over and over. I couldn't believe it was over!

I began to feel slightly painful contractions again and wanted the placenta out so it would stop hurting. The cord had stopped pulsing, but I wasn't in a good position to birth the placenta, sitting in the pool, and couldn't bear the thought of kneeling again. I wanted to go to the toilet. I passed Bastian to his Dad and I asked Morgan to help Declan cut the cord. The knife we had didn't work well, at all, thank goodness for Tunna's trusty plastic scalpel! Still, it was a bit too slippery for Declan to cut, so he held it while Morgan cut. I remember asking Charlee to come to the bathroom with me. I felt a bit weak like I might pass out and wanted someone nearby, just in case.

Lots of things happened afterwards, not the least of which was the fun and bonding with my heart family and my new baby. We sat around talking and Oohing and Aahing. Some people had to leave quickly, to return home to their own kids or to go to work. Everyone pitched in and helped tidy up. Bastian nursed twice, on each side and with vigor and was very alert and content. We weighed him and were all in shock! Some time around daylight, Brian went and got McDonald's biscuits for whoever was left. I inhaled not just my food, but any that anyone left sitting around. Wow, it was good.

Oh, I ate my placenta. Charlee, Erin and Clove all helped prep my placenta. (Good friends!) Charlee brought me a fresh chunk, as I asked, to hold under my tongue. My first thought was, "I didn't lose much blood." But then I figured how many times am I going to get to do this! And I went for it. It was really, really good. I'm a medium-rare steak kinda person, but wow, it was the best meat I've ever had. I ate two pieces and they were amazing for recharging me. I felt stronger. I later had a smoothie and there was enough for 8 days of that. I really feel like it helped.

Days later, I pondered whether or not it was an unassisted birth. I had a lot of people there, but I'd always been a social birther. In the hospital, both times, I'd had the maximum number of people allowed in my room and been annoyed about the cap. I've never been private or quiet. Truth be told, I'm loud and messy and intense. I have these amazing close friends and, in a way, pretty messy relationships. We're all up in each other's business, for the most part and there's a really high level of intimacy. It felt so appropriate to me to have them all there, my family, my community, my birth. Morgan said, wisely so, that unassisted doesn't have to mean unsupported. As much as I admire those Mamas who birth in complete solitude, that has never been what I dreamed of or wanted. I had my dream birth exactly on my own terms and I feel complete in a way I never have before.


Alot of this is very unusual birth music:) I love music and carefully chose songs, each one reminding me of a special time or place in my life. I also chose songs because I could sing along with ALL of them:)

32 Lines - Sophie B. Hawkins
Adia - Sarah McLachlin
Again - Janet Jackson
All I Really Want - Alanis Morissette
All I Wanted - Michelle Branch
Amen - Paula Cole
Angel - Sarah McLachlin
Any Time, Any Place - Janet Jackson
As I Lay Me Down - Sophie B. Hawkins
Baby I Love Your Way - Big Mountain
Baby It's Cold Outside - Charles & Betty Carter
Back To You - John Mayer
Bare The Weight of Me - Sophie B. Hawkins
Beautiful Girl - Sophie B. Hawkins
Beautiful - Christina Aguilera
Better - Regina Spektor
Big Girls Don't Cry - Fergie
Big Yellow Taxi - Joni Mitchell
Bigger Than My Body - John Mayer
Bitch - Meredith Brooks
Breakable - Fisher
Breakfast at Tiffany's - Deep Blue Something
Breathe Me - Sia
Breathe - Michelle Branch
Bring Me To Life - Evanescence
Bubbly - Colbie Calliat
Can't Not - Alanis Morissette
Can't Take My Eyes Off You - Lauryn Hill
Closer To Fine - The Indigo Girls
Come Away With Me - Norah Jones
Come To My Window - Melissa Etheridge
Crash Into Me - Dave Matthews Band
Damn I Wish I Was Your Lover - Sophie B. Hawkins
Daughters - John Mayer
Dear Diary - Pink
Dear Mr. President - Pink
Desert Rose - Sting
Did We Not Choose Each Other - Sophie B. Hawkins
Don't Bother - Shakira
Don't Don't Tell Me No - Sophie B. Hawkins
Don't Dream It's Over - Crowded House
Don't Know Why - Norah Jones
Don't Let Me Get Me - Pink
Dreams - The Cranberries
Eagle And The Hawk - John Denver
Every Breathe You Take - The Police
Every Little Thing She Does - The Police
Everywhere - Michelle Branch
Family Portrait - Pink
Feelin' The Same Way - Norah Jones
Feelin' Love - Paula Cole
Fell In Love With A Boy - Joss Stone
Fidelity - Regina Spektor
Fighter - Christina Aguilera
Freedom - George Michael
Good Enough - Sarah McLachlin
Goodbye To You - Michelle Branch
Hands Clean - Alanis Morissette
Hands - Jewel
Have A Little Faith In Me - Mandy Moore
Have I Told You Lately - Van Morrison
Here With Me - Dido
Hey Jealousy - Gin Blossoms
High - James Blunt
Hold On - Sarah McLachlin
Hotel Song - Regina Spektor
Hush, Hush, Hush - Paula Cole
I Bruise Easily - Natasha Bedingfield
I Do - Lisa Loeb
I Don't Want To Wait - Paula Cole
I Need Nothing Else - Sophie B. Hawkins
I Want To Come Over - Melissa Etheridge
I Was Hoping - Alanis Morissette
I Will Love You - Fisher
I Will Never Be The Same - Melissa Etheridge
I Will Not Take These Things For Granted - Toad The Wet Sprocket
I Will Remember You - Sarah McLachlin
Ice Cream - Sarah McLachlin
If I Aint Got You - Alicia Keys
I'm OK - Christina Aguilera
I'm The Only One - Melissa Etheridge
I'm With You - Avril Lavigne
In My Life - The Beatles
In Your Eyes - Peter Gabriel
Insensitive - Jann Arden
Iris - The Goo Goo Dolls
Irreplaceable - Beyonce
Just Because - Gaia's Consort
Let It Be - The Beatles
Linger - The Cranberries
Love's Divine - Seal
Me - Paula Cole
Mea Culpa - Enigma
No Such Thing - John Mayer
Not Ready To Make Nice - The Dixie Chicks
On The Radio - Regina Spektor
Pearl - Paula Cole
Perfect - Alanis Morissette
Plenty - Sarah McLachlin
Possession - Sarah McLachlin
Precious Illusions - Alanis Morissette
Push - Matchbox 20
Return To Innocence - Enigma
Rhythm Of Life - Paula Cole
Round Here - Counting Crows
Samson - Regina Spektor
Shameless - Ani DiFranco
She Will Be Loved - Maroon 5
Sleep To Dream - Fiona Apple
Slow Like Honey - Fiona Apple
So Unsexy - Alanis Morissette
Stay - Lisa Loeb
Sophie B. Hawkins - Strange Thing
Strong Enough - Sheryl Crow
Suddenly I See - KT Tunstall
Summertime - Nina Simone
Surrendering - Alanis Morissette
Sweet Sexy Woman - Sophie B. Hawkins
Sweet Surrender - Sarah McLachlin
Testimony - Ferron
Thank U - Alanis Morissette
Thank You - Dido
That I Would Be Good - Alanis Morissette
That Particular Time - Alanis Morissette
That Time - Regina Spektor
That's The Way Love Goes - Janet Jackson
The Nearness Of You - Nora Jones
These Words - Natasha Bedingfield
Those Sweet Words - Nora Jones
Torn - Natalie Imbruglia
Truthfully - Lisa Loeb
Turn Me On - Norah Jones
U + Ur Hand - Pink
Unsent - Alanis Morissette
Untouchable Face - Ani DiFranco
Unwritten - Natasha Bedingfield
Utopia - Alanis Morissette
Waiting On The World To Change - John Mayer
We Are One Body - Sophie B. Hawkins
What Would Happen - Meredith Brooks
Where Have All The Cowboys Gone - Paula Cole
White Flag - Dido
Who Knew - Pink
Who Will Save Your Soul - Jewel
Wishing Heart - Lisa Loeb
Wishing I Was There - Natalie Imbruglia
Would Not Come - Alanis Morissette
You And I Both - Jason Mraz
You Are The Only One - Maria Mena
You Don't Know Me - Jann Arden
You Get Me - Michelle Branch
You Learn - Alanis Morissette
You Oughta Know - Alanis Morissette
You Set Me Free - Michelle Branch
You Were Meant For Me - Jewel
Your Body Is A Wonderland - John Mayer
Your Song - The Moulin Rouge Version
You're Beautiful - James Blunt
You're So Vain - Carly Simon

Sort of like a Birth Plan

Guidelines for Attending Our Birth

Birth is a very powerful experience for everyone involved. I very much want each of you there with us, for different reasons, but I need to lay out some guidelines for what I need for this all to work To begin with, I need everyone to understand they are here to share in a rite of passage and share an experience, very much like attending a wedding. You are there as my friends, my family, my support system. I understand that each of you has your own skills. I know what those are and will ask for them, if needed. It’s no one’s job, but mine, to manage my birth. Please refrain from attempting to do so. If you find yourself scared, worried, nervous or feeling anything negative at all, please go outside until you can collect yourself. Even being in the same room with me while you feel negative could negatively impact my energy and that would be BAD.

Under no circumstances should the words "doctor", "hospital", "transfer", or the suggestion of medication be used within my earshot. As I’m in transition, it’s possible I might say things like, “I can’t do this.” or ask to go to the hospital or that I need medication. I’d like to be allowed to whine about this. No one is to transport me or call 911 or anything crazy unless it’s abundantly clear that we are in jeopardy. Even in transition, I would likely know when it was truly emergent and so would Morgan or Brian. Above all, please understand that it is VERY NORMAL to feel scared or used up near the end. It is truly uncommon for a big time emergency to happen, so it’s really unlikely, regardless.

There is going to be nudity. I also plan to use whatever works for me, and that might include sexual things like nipple stimulation. I’ll ask for privacy if I want it.

Please do not alter the environment of the house. When you are finished please put it back the way it was if you must change something. There should be no loud, distracting sounds, including cell phones. If you need your phone, that’s fine – turn it on vibrate and if someone calls, leave the room and possibly go outside to take the call.

You are free to come and go anywhere at any time. If there is a need for people to leave, Brian or I will say so. Also, please be aware that what I might need, at any given time, could change. I might decide I just can’t handle you in the room with me. Please try to not take this personally. Either way, unless you do something truly offensive, you can probably come back in when I’m pushing in time to meet Bastian

Please take pictures of everything! When Bastian is crowning, avoid using a flash.

I will attempt to speak for myself and my needs whenever possible, but please respect Brian’s word, just as much as mine. If he says we need something, please do it immediately. If I ask for something, even if it seems small or trivial, please do it immediately. Otherwise it’ll lay on my mind and distract my focus.

I probably don’t want to be alone. If I do, I’ll say so. If Brian has to leave her to take care of something, it would be nice if someone else would stay in the room. Mostly, I’ll want Brian and be focused on him. While we will certainly need and appreciate everyone’s help keeping an eye on Declan, he should be free to come and go as he pleases and not restricted from being with me.

It will probably get too overwhelming with everyone else packed in the room with me. I’d prefer to have two other people (in addition to Brian and Declan), at any given time, inside my labor bubble. It’s possible more people could be in the room if they stand at the wall and remain silent, but I won’t know that until the time comes. Above all, don’t crowd into the room with me, don’t talk loudly or a lot, avoid making noise and follow my lead. It’s probably best if people tag out, so to speak. As I said above, by the time I’m pushing, it won’t matter. You can probably all crowd in for the actual birth, no problem!

Labor Affirmations

In preparation for Bastian's Birth, I had a Blessing Way with a couple of Mama friends. I asked them to share their affirmations, things that had helped them though. Then we copied them all onto post-it notes (many of them multiple times) and I posted them all over my house. You can see a few in the birth video, on the walls, little yellow notes. These were up for several weeks before the birth and I really found it helpful, seeing all of these things every day. It felt like anointing or consecrating a space and I guess it was. Here they are:

I'm going to get HUGE!
You ARE doing it! (Great response to "I can't do this.")
The only way out is through.
Birth isn't about making babies - it's about making mothers.
There is NO FAIL!
Labor Bubble
Feel, Experience, Sense, Smell
I was made for this!
Grunting means your body is working.
Primal Goodness
Pushing feels GOOD!
This is not as much fun as I though it would be:)
Open like a flower.
Direct your world.
Find your labor sound.
What is your intuition? Go with your gut!
Give into the pain. Feel it and let it go!
Remember, at the end, you get the biggest endorphine dump of your LIFE!
Labor is SHORT in the grand scheme of things. Embrace it! You rock!
Trust your Body! Trust your Baby!

Declan's Birth Story

Brian - My husband
Mom - My mom, duh!
Vyviane - Close friend of mine, at the time
Mary - My sister
Chasity - Oldest friend from high school
Julie - CNM

When I told Declan's story recently, I said I educated myself just enough to get into trouble! I really did think I was educated. Honestly, though, I didn't have much direction. I was 23 and didn't have many close friends that were married or having kids. I wasn't on the internet. I'd never heard of any of the books. Thanks to Diana, I knew about Dr. Sears and did read his birth and pregnancy stuff, which sunk in just enough for me to want a midwife, not an OB. In GA, homebirth is mostly underground. You can certainly have a homebirth and hire a midwife, if you choose, but it's not widely advertised and it's alegal. The pregnancy was unplanned and we didn't have alot of money and were living with my MIL. I don't even know how we'd have homebirthed, had it occurred to us. Rented a hotel room, I guess? Plus, I wasn't aware there was a big difference in a homebirth midwife and a CNM working with OBs. Added to that, the basic idea that I still didn't have full faith in my body and still wondered over things like the induction and the episiotomy, I think the OB back-up and hospital made me feel...safer. I found a practice of CNMs who I liked. The Medical Center at Gwinnett had a lovely Women's Center that was homey and called a Birth Center. Yeah, it was a hospital. I feel badly for other women when they make this distinction to me, now, "Oh, it's a birthing center, attached to a hospital." It's a hospital. Period. Anyway, tangent.

My birthplan, this time, was pretty crunchy. I'd planned a natural birth, no heplock or IVs, I'd negotiated monitoring only for brief periods and a minimum of cervical checks (Yes, I realize I could've just said no. Once again, then, I think they made me feel...safer.) I had a good relationship with all the midwives and no reason to see the OBs. My big mistake was NOT getting a doula. I thought I didn't need one, with midwives. I had support people there, but no one that had a successful, positive, natural birth experience. A doula could've provided that. $500 seems cheap, now and of course I didn't know I likely could've found one cheaper or free, had a I looked.

So, once again, I watched my EDD go by. I don't recall what the exact date was, but it was late June/early July. I told them they were off by 2 weeks. I don't know if this was intuition or only because I'd gone to 42 weeks before, but I was dead on, regardless. They didn't push induction like the OB, but by my 42 week appointment, I was asked if I'd like to help things along with a bit more vigorous exam. I believe I had my membranes stripped, but I'd never heard of it, so not 100%. I thought the last exams hurt more, which I now also think means Dr. Sands stripped them without asking at all. *sigh* At any rate, I said yes. I was antsy, too and I had a bit of doubt that I could go into labor naturally. Yes, I know, that was dumb.

My mom lived in Houston, TX and was visiting to see the baby. She'd arranged her tickets to be there AFTER. I actually love that she made the birth, though. I remember the CNM told me to go walk and have sex. So, it being the height of summer, Mom and I walked around the mall. I don't remember what we talked about, but I remember it felt like good bonding time with my Mom. Then, when Bri was due to get off work, she dropped me off at home and left quickly! LOL

We had dinner, had some sex and went to bed fairly early. Sometime later, I was having cramps. I didn't realize I was in labor until my tossing and turning and occasional moaning got Brian to watch the clock. It hadn't even occurred to me! I remember him saying, "Sarah, I think they're 3 minutes apart!" We jumped into action then. Once I was fully awake, I realized they were definitely regular and there, but not really that painful, yet. I remember we got to the hospital between midnight and 1am and I guess I'd been having light, regular contractions for a few hours then. Hard to tell, exactly.

Seems like everyone was there when we got there, or soon after. Chasity didn't arrive until the morning. You see, she and Declan share a birthday! So when I called her to say I was in labor, not only was she several hours away, she was drunk! She did make it before he made an appearance, but just barely.

I remember going to a triage room and being monitored for a while. I was around 3 cms. I took this to mean I only had a few more hours, waiting for my jump to 10. My memories of most of the labor were very, very good. It was exactly what I had in mind. Julie got there, checked in and was there and available the whole time, unlike Sands, but not pressurey, watching TV in the nurses station. My mom and Vyviane were smart and brought books:) They realized I'd mostly just need Brian and respected that dynamic, but I was happy they were there and phased in with them every once in a while. I don't remember much specifically about what was said or done between Brian and I. I do remember that he was the ideal labor partner. I remember his eyes letting me know everything was okay and only wanting him and feeling so much love:)

I remember the nurses popping in to see me, a real, laboring woman. They were happy, don't get me wrong, but it was obvious everyone else that night had an epidural. I walked the halls, over and over, Bri holding my arm and everyone else behind us, like a strange procession. I bounced on the labor ball and loved it. I nurse convinced me to try to tub, which I actually didn't want to. I think I was just content with whatever I was doing, but once I tried the tub, it was heavenly! It was bigger than the average (but a labor tub, not a birth tub - of course!) and had jets. I loved the time I spent in the bathroom, either on the toilet (perfect!) or in the tub (even more perfect!) I made it to 8 in there and then they freaked out. I remember some nurse saying, "You can't have a baby in the bathtub! You have to get out now!" I listened. I shouldn't locked the door;)

I don't recall when I got to 8 cms, but my recollection is that it was quick and I expected to be 10 cms at the next check. I wasn't. I think I spent at least 6 or 7 hours of that labor at 8 cms and emotionally in transition. It was ROUGH! Many things contributed. I think moving me from the tub was one. Secondly, I was having back labor. Declan was posterior and turned out to be quite a big baby! I didn't know this, at the time, but now it seems obvious. Also, as I'd had no IV, no food was allowed (I'd snuck a few granola bars, but what I ate wasn't nearly enough), I think I was having low blood sugar. As time went on, I felt more blurry and weak and...whiny. Plus, my sister, well, she wasn't doing well. In retrospect, I should've never invited her. Yes, she's my sister and I love her, but we've never had the closest relationship and it was...tense. She seemed hurt that I didn't pay her much attention and I was very aware that she was unhappy. I know that distracted me, too. So, maybe all of these things contributed? I just know I spent hours and hours in a haze of transition and eventually, I was curled on the bed, on my side, refusing to walk, to move, to change positions, saying I couldn't do it anymore. What I wish had happened, now, is that they'd just let me whine. My baby would've either been born there or I'd have gotten up, tired of whining! I remember the midwife was worried, as my contractions were slowing. I hadn't been in labor anywhere near 24 hours, but I'd be stuck for many hours and was exhausted and we all know how hospitals view that.

In retrospect, I probably should've pushed. They insisted that I couldn't, because I was only 8 cms and I'd hurt myself. I felt the need to push, strongly, though. It didn't occur to me that women had birthed babies for all of time without fingers in their vaginas or without knowing what 10 cms was! I've now read about laboring down. That often pushing with your instincts can't help remove that last bit of cervix. At the time, though, I listened and resisted the urge to push. Fought it hard and didn't. Man, that fucking hurt. Not pushing when your body says to push is torture. I asked to be checked almost obsessively, at that point, sure I must be at 10 cms, feeling pushy. I became disappointed.

Julie started suggesting that I get something to help. I tried to hold out. Did hold out, for a while. I'm not sure how long. In the end, they played the card. I was essentially told this wasn't good for the baby and if I couldn't progress soon, we might have to talk c-section. I didn't assess why she said this. Everyone else was worried, too. I think the energy was contagious, at this point. I consented to narcotics, via IV, which were supposed to help relax me. They made it possible for me to doze, but I hated them. They made everything hazy and woozy and disconnected my from my body. Brian said I acted a bit drunk, slurring my words. He said I'd also start sentences and then didn't finish them for full minutes later. I also think they were part of me giving up entirely. I felt like I couldn't grip my experience anymore. It slipped away. I was sitting on the bed, rocking and in a very dark space. Brian had dozed off next to me. My mom and Vyviane had either dozed or were reading. I couldn't find their eyes. I was mumbling, over and over, like a dark chant, "I hate this. I hate this. I hate this. This sucks." and rocking. I remember looking for eyes and seeing Mary's watching me intently. I looked at her while mumbling for a while, I'm not sure how long. Then I said, "Can you please leave and go get my midwife." thinking I needed checking. Yeah, I said please. I'm generally SO worried about being rude in labor that I'm stupidly polite! I remember her face looking wrong, somehow and her jumping up. She didn't come back. Time blurred again. I vaguely wondered where she had gone, but was just...lost. Anyway, the drugs did nothing to help my progress, just my sanity!

I later found out I only spoke the, "Can you please leave." part and she thought I threw her out. I don't recall throwing her out or being mad at her. She also thought I said, "I hate you. I hate you." *sigh* Yeah, it was dramariffic. Additionally, I think I consented to them breaking my water somewhere in there, but Bri says he thinks it broke on it's own.

So, now Julie thought I needed pit. Pit or c-section, that's how it was presented to me. I remember standing there, working it over in my head, trying to find my way out. Vyviane then got up in my face and yelled, "Take the drugs!" Wow. I wasn't angry. What I felt, in that moment was that everyone else must agree with Julie. I was being stubborn and endangering my baby and everyone else could see it, but me! I caved. I was scared, so scared. Even more, I was scared of the pitocin. I'd been so surprised at the difference in natural labor and pitocin. I weakly told Julie I needed the epidural if I was going to do pitocin. She nodded, I think she wanted me to take it. And then the final straw snapped and I gave up. I'd failed. Oh well. When I told this story at the Blessing Way, I remember saying that everything felt fine and good until they started telling me it wasn't. I think that's true for alot of women. Women in labor are highly suggestible.

They started an IV bag of fluids before my pit and epidural. I remember suddenly feeling miraculously better. I felt stronger and clearer. I realized that I'd been suffering from low blood sugar, on some level, though not as strongly as I did, later. Still, I didn't tell them I could walk more now and no pit. I'd given up. I wanted that epidural. I'd literally have consented to being knocked out with a shovel, at that point, if it could all stop. I wanted to be done with the pain and have my baby. I didn't experience the pit contractions for long, the epidural was soon.

The placing of it was the worst. I was still at 8 cms and they wanted me to sit down and curl forward. I couldn't sit down flat like that and I certainly couldn't curl forward. I could feel his head...ouch! So they had me lay on my side and wanted me to curl into a ball. WTF?! Then they said, "Don't move." as I proceeded to have 3 hard contractions while they placed it. They missed. I felt little drops on my back and felt them go numb. I think someone said, "Oops." or maybe my brain just did that when I felt the splatter! At any rate, they got it placed, alright, but apparently that stupid decision is what's wrong with my back, now. It was on the paper I signed, that no one reads in that state of mind. But it was in and it felt amazing! I still remember that feeling of the pain stopping and yes, it felt good. It's nowhere worth all the crap associated with it, though. By now, I'm drugged to the gills and relaxing in bed. Chasity got there and we talked briefly.

Somewhere about here, a nurse asked Brian if he was okay. She said he looked pale. My husband is prone to boughts of low blood sugar and he was so focused on me, he hadn't eaten, either. Fuck! Hindsight being 20/20, my mind flashed back on several times where someone had offered him snacks and he'd turned them down. He was told to go to the cafeteria and eat. Seems like he had to be rushed back up soon, but he did eat, some.

Not even an hour later, I was at 10 cms (so yes, the drugs worked) and ready to push. Same stupid position. I can't wait to push NOT like that! That pushing stage was SO MUCH better. The midwife and nurses were so much sweeter and more encouraging than Sands his team. I pushed for about an hour and a half. It was slow and good. I had massage. Brian was between my legs with Julie, ready to catch:) Everyone was cheering me rather than ordering me. It was much, much better. I remember Julie calling out to Brian, "Grab his shoulder!" and Brian saying, "Which part is his shoulder?!" I don't know if I laughed or not, but it was very funny:) He was all squished, I guess.

When Declan was born, I remember feeling almost shocked. Haha! It's funny how it feels that way, isn't it? I think they cleaned him off first, because my first memory of really seeing him wasn't the second he was born. I remember they called out "9 pounds 15 ounces!" and I baulked. I think I asked, "Did I tear?" and someone laughed and said, "Not really, you're fine!" At that moment, I have to admit, my first thought was how I was going to kick Dr. Sands ass! Declan was over 2 pounds bigger! Asshole! That passed quickly, because there was my baby:)

I said hello and we put him to my breast. It was darker in the room. The big overhead was off, I think, thankfully and the light was just coming in through a window. I sat there watching him lay quietly at my breast, with it in his mouth, but not sucking much. It was someone else, maybe Brian, maybe someone else? who said, "Is he breathing?!" Fuck! They took him quickly, then, and rubbed him and he started crying again. He was okay. I don't know WTF happened except that he loved the boob THAT much. He'd actually forgotten to keep breathing for a few seconds. Wow.

The stay in the hospital sucked, mostly. We'd allowed them to take him for one brief period, only, to do the bath and the newborn checks. Shouldn't have let them, but we did. While there, they gave him a freakin' bottle...because he was hungry. Hello, I'm right down the hall! The rest of the stay they harassed us regularly about blood sugar checks because he was too big to thrive on just breastmilk. Yes, they said that. I at least knew better than that and never consented to any supplementation and fought with them. I didn't even know they had IBCLCs there. Wish I had, as they might've helped me fix the latch that caused so many problems a few days later (probably thanks to that damn bottle and/or the epidural, take your pick) and could've supported me there. As it was, the hospital wasn't helpful, but interrupted our sleep alot and pricked his poor foot so much he had significant bruising for a good week or two after we went home.

Still, like I said about Elena's story, our births us. My early breastfeeding issues (which I'm not going to go into fully, here, maybe later) are part of why I became interested in counseling and helping other women to learn to breastfeed. Additionally, as much as I wish I'd had 3 lovely UCs, I think the fact that I haven't, that I've truly been there, really equips me to be more understanding of other women. I don't feel superior. I get it. I'm just trying to save other women the same kind of doubt and pain. Our bodies were made for this! It's taken me years to figure that out and BELIEVE it.

As far as the actual motherhood part, that was easier than I thought:) It took some time to find our groove, but mostly I found myself knowing what to do if I stopped thinking about it.

For some odd reason, this is when I knew we were parents and that we were going to be okay:
When Declan was about a month old, we were apartment hunting. We'd been out ALL DAY and were tired and hungry, so we stopped at Wendy's. Declan's diaper was stinky, so we pulled over, into a parking space. I decided to change him quickly in my lap. Yes. BAD IDEA. I put him on my lap, on a lumbar pillow and proceeded to change him. The poop fountain commenced. We went through all of the wipes. Every time I'd wipe him clean and we'd call it good, he'd go again! It disgusting. I watched the poop and now pee pool at the curved edges of the pillow, praying to not be bathed in it. Brian's sitting in the driver's seat, giving me wipes, helping as much as he can. Finally, realizing I was down to the last two, I slapped a diaper on him and just wiped the edges, deciding to clean him up at home. I guess Brian put him back in his seat and I was carefully balancing the pillow, still remaining thankfully undrenched. Then, we looked at each other. What the fuck do we do? Obviously the responsible thing to do is drive it to a trash can, but it was balanced so carefully... I looked over at the drive-through, opened my door, and shoved the pillow under the car, on the pavement, in one quick move, spilling nothing. Then I turned to Brian and said, "Drive!" which he was already doing. Yes, tires squealed. We looked at each other and started laughing hysterically. Declan laughed, too. Yes, we both felt guilty, btw, but it just had to be funny.

So, there you go, stupid, funny story about poop and how I realized we could handle anything...together:)

Declan Jake
7/14/00 at 12:59pm
9 pounds 15 ounces
42 weeks gestation after about 14 hours of labor

Elena's Birth Story

Elena, born 8/27/97 at about 42 weeks
Diana - Elena's Mother
Mark - Elena's Father
Adam - My boyfriend
Dr Sands - Craptastic OB
Shelly - My Personal Assistant (how LA?!) and friend
Kathy - Masseuse and doula
(Shelly and Kathy aren't really in the birth story, because I have no specific memories of them, but I know they were there and supportive of me, so I noted their presence.)

Though the experience of the adoption was a wonderful, though difficult, one, I call that birth a McBirth. I realize I bear alot of responsibility in that. I was so focused on the adoption, I saw the birth as a means to an end and didn't connect with it much, emotionally. This might've been necessary for me to get through it. The adoption was alot and maybe all I could handle at one time. Still, the way all this went down probably has alot to do with who I am today. Birth is like that, though.

My first EDD was 7/27/97. I told them they were off by a month. So, I guess I knew, despite not keeping track of anything. It was maybe 5 months before I went to Los Angeles, CA the first time and we met Dr. Sand, who was recommended by the adoption lawyer. (He did stop recommending him after our birth experience, btw.) Mostly, it was just that I hadn't had much prenatal care, which I felt really guilty about and now I think is pretty funny! So we just went with him. He was a fairly traditional OB. I moved out to LA maybe a month later. Diana did try to help be become more educated about birth, even hired a Bradley coach to see us a couple of times, as there wasn't enough time to take a whole course. She hired me a masseuse who was lovely and who basically acted as my doula. She also supported my choices to get things like an epidural. She was really remarkable in her support. I didn't know any of the risks of epidurals...or of anything. Yes, I read What to Expect...and that was about it! We did make a birthplan, with things like a heplock, no episiotomy, really not alot! I learned a bit lesson from that birth. Never, ever just ask an OB a question like, "Are you okay with only doing an episiotomy in an emergency situation?" They'll always say yes! Ask them what constitutes an emergency. Even better, ask them what percentage or their patients get episiotomies. It's an important distinction. *sigh* So, Dr. Sands agreed to all of our meager birth plan, but what we didn't realize was that he ALWAYS thought of birth as an emergency.

My due date had been changed to Mid-August, due to the results of the ultrasound. That was better. Still, I waved as my due date passed me. Around 41 weeks, under threats of induction, I drank an entire bottle of castor oil. DO NOT EVER do this! Don't take that stuff at all, but definitely not the whole bottle! This was the last time in my adult life I threw up. I had it coming out of both ends for hours and hours. I had contractions. This all eventually stopped and I was still pregnant. Maybe not quite a week later, we consented to the induction. I think we all believed him that 42+weeks equals dangerous. I know I did. I was also unaware of the dangerous associated with inductions and wasn't exactly looking for a natural birth, anyway.

I was admitted to the hospital at midnight and given a room. Diana stayed with me all night. It started with cervadil. I suspect now I would've gone into labor in a matter of days, if left alone, because after they inserted the cervadil that I was unable to lay down, walking my room with the contractions. I think I slept for a bit, I'm unclear on how long, but the contractions were strong enough to wake me up while it was still night. I know now I could've refused the pitocin and probably labored with only a cervadil induction. I didn't then. I wasn't even entirely convinced it was labor. So, the hours went by and sometime early in the morning, they hooked me up to an IV and gave me pitocin. Dr. Sands had told me that in a small amount of women (like 2%), pitocin caused titanic contractions. 74.2% of statistics are made up, right;). I've talked to very few women who haven't had crazy, hard contractions with pitocin. Well, I did. They barely seemed to stop. Still, I managed pretty well.

I remember saying to Diana, once, "I can handle this if they'd just leave me alone? I just want to be left alone!" I remember that now and it seems almost prophetic. It never occurred to me that UC was an option, but I think it's what I wanted, even then. I didn't resent the presence of the people I cared about. I wanted and needed them there, emotionally, but I hated the needles, monitors, nurses who told me I was scaring other patients if I made noise. DRs who yelled. The smell of the hospital. I hated all of it.

The majority of the labor, after the pitocin, is a blur. My memory is truly awful, so maybe that's why? Maybe it was the pit? The epidural? I have no idea. Diana and I have talked about it, as she remembers alot more. She feels so guilty for my labor experience. My feelings about the labor definitely resonate with her details. She said they yelled at me alot. The OB was barely present and when he was, he was not very nice. I do remember being condescended to several times. Apparently because I was young and a birth mom, that also meant I was dumb. It got so bad that she was actually on her cell trying to find another OB to deliver me when it became clear I was asking to push and there was no more time. I've told her many times I bear her no ill will and the only good parts of that birth were due to her, but I love her for caring so much.

It's a real shame we don't discuss birth more often. I didn't know the labor pattern of the women in my family. Apparently, we all go to 3 or 4 centimeters at a normal pace and then from there to 10 in less than an hour. We've all shocked the hell out of DRs! So, Mark realized he'd left his camera at home. They told us it would be hours yet. Yeah, it wasn't. Diana called him frantically and he was rushing back! I remember telling a nurse that I needed to push. I was laying in bed from the epidural, kinda sleeping on and off. Adam's plane had arrived and he was at my side. Diana wasn't in the room. I realize now she was likely on her cell. Anyway, I told the nurse I needed to push. She brushed me off. Diana heard the exchange and came to the door. I heard them talking...over there. Almost in another universe, but I heard enough to be grateful to Diana. The nurse said something about me not knowing what it should feel like, too soon, just being delicate. Diana said, firmly and authoritatively, "That girl has never seen a delicate day in her life. If she says she needs to push, you're going to take her seriously." So, yeah, from 3 or 4 to 10 in 45 minutes. Everyone was shocked.

I remember Mark made it back just in time. I remember that Dr. Sands blew in to deliver and was generally an asshat. He'd just finished another birth, I found out later. I remember pushing for maybe 10 to 15 minutes. Then, I remember seeing or hearing him go to cut me. It was one of those awful, frozen, slow motion things. I was on a table, my legs splayed. My baby was coming out of my and I couldn't reach to stop him. Diana reports much the same thing. She said she really thought about punching him, but would that have been better for me or for Elena? It was a fairly awful moment. I didn't really examine it until much later, though, because there was E.

(Side note: It's my recollection she was born at 2:59, but I've always counted that labor as 6 or 7 hours. I realize now that's a bit...odd, because I was in early labor on the cervadil at 1 am. Maybe I counted from when hard labor started? I have no idea.)

She was small and squirmy and hard dark hair like mine...which later fell out to be lighter like Bri's, but that's another thing;). When I told Rebecca and Aislinn this next part, I cried and cried. I don't talk about it alot, but when I remember the day she was born, I remember this, first. As they lifted her from me, I reached out my right hand. I remember exactly how it looked and how she looked. I remember mentally thinking, "No! That's not right. She's not mine." and withdrawing my hand in guilt. But that moment, that reflex, that's what adoption is like. That's how hard it is.

I wasn't the first to hold her, by my choice. Well, the medical people first, in true McBirth form, but I'd told Diana and Mark they were to hold her first and as long as they wanted. I worked very hard on pounding not mine into my head. I knew that I was not in a place to be a good mother and I was determined to do this, however hard it was. I never allowed myself to waiver, honestly. I think I was sorta uniquely built to do this, well, given my childhood experiences and my ability to shut off part of myself and my feelings. It made it easier at the time.

The hour after she was born was perfect. I remember us all still being in the birthing room, with the staff actually leaving us alone! We all took turns holding her and talking. It felt like the ideal transitional space. Mark and Diana had arranged for a room at the hospital. Diana had been pumping for months to build a supply of breastmilk and had a significant amount of donor milk. They were very committed to AP and big role models for me when I had Declan. They rocked:)

After that, I stayed in LA a little over a week. I stayed that long to tie up loose ends. The way the law worked, at that time, was that if I signed nothing else, I had 90 days to change my mind. Or I could sign some paperwork a week after the birth and give up my rights entirely. I stayed to do that. I needed to do it, to close that door. I didn't want to leave them worrying. I was sad to leave LA. It was beautiful and perfect and my favorite climate, ever. I had few attachments and briefly considered staying out there. If not for the adoption, I would have, but we all needed the distance. I needed it to be real and to leave her. It was the best thing.

I visited them twice during the week before I left. I held her and loved her, but never too much, never too close. I kept my control. Still, I went to my apartment every night and cried myself to sleep, holding a teddy bear that was a gift from Mark and Diana. After a few weeks, it stopped being every night, but I still cried every Wednesday night. After a few months, I mostly cried on the 27th of every month. Now, I mostly cry on her birthday and at times like this, when I think about it...and it's mostly good tears.

The adoption was an always has been open. We consider ourselves to be family. It's definitely a work in progress and sometimes it's hard to know what's right, but I think it's definitely healthier for everyone. Declan's always known about Elena, which I think is lucky for us. As she was firstborn, we've just always had a picture of her around. When he was 1 and he'd point to it, we'd just say, "That's your sister, Elena." adding more information as he got older and more curious. I know one of the hardest parts for Diana has been talking to Elena about her siblings. Elena wants them badly and Diana has no way to give them to her. She and Mark have been divorced for a few years, but both still very good and involved parents. Adoption's expensive and Diana can't have biological children. I hate it that it's hard on them, but I guess everything has hard parts, doesn't it? I've never regretted the decision.

My mother said to me, after the adoption, that our children are never ours. She said it's a mistake to think they are. We're given them, by God, in stewardship, for a brief period of time. It's our task to do the best we can to help them grow into who they are during that remarkably brief period of time and then be able to let them go. I remember thinking that a Mother's job was to do what's best for her children, no matter how hard it is.


I created this blog to be a companion for my birth video.
I'm going to post all 3 of my birth stories, and a few things I did to prepare for my 3rd. I might journal in it from time to time and post pictures, but mostly I wanted to have a place that would allow me to post the songlist and such:)